$78 Coupon Release Only for April! Save $78 for your Order!!!
For New Register Customers and all other Customers
Coupon Rules:
-----Minimum Order Volume: $200.00
-----$78 Coupon only applied with “Compatible Dental Implant” products category
-----$78 Coupon could NOT compatible with other Coupons
-----Every Customer only can use ONE $78 Coupon
-----Same Customer with Different ID for more $78 Coupons is forbidden, Gobuydental.com have
every right to cancel your coupons.
How to use the Coupons:
-----In the Shopping Cart Summary after click “Check out”, you will find the “$78 Coupon”
-----Make sure your Order volume is over $200, and at least one Implant in the cart.
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-----$78 Coupon can NOT be compatible with Other Coupon
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